Bahrain Development Bank’s Position in Relation to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals


BDB’s multifaceted initiatives underscore its active role in contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, promoting economic growth, gender equality, supporting MSMEs, and education in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Below are some key examples:

  • BDB’s collaboration with the Supreme Council of Women (SCW) and Tamkeen in launching the Riyadat Scheme exemplifies its commitment to advancing gender equality and empowering women, aligning with SDGs. Since its inception in 2016 until December 2023, the scheme has played a pivotal role in empowering 323 Bahraini women through the disbursement of 349 loans, totaling BD 8.2 million. This initiative significantly contributes to SDG 5 (Gender Equality) by fostering economic independence and opportunities for women.

  • BDB’s support for individuals in the fishery and agriculture sectors, offering interest-free loans for production development. As of December 2023, 2,729 individuals have received loans amounting to BD 22.7 million, illustrating the bank’s commitment to promoting sustainable agriculture.

  • In addition, the provision of education loans by the BDB aligns with SDG 4 (Quality Education). The bank’s support for 1,160 individuals with loans totaling BD 20.4 million as of December 2023 reflects its dedication to enhancing educational opportunities and human development.

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Last Updated: 28 Feb 2024

Licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain as a Conventional Retail Bank

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